A few months ago, I made the case for being an insufferable b*tch—not just for fun (though, let’s be honest, it is fun), but as a necessary strategy to fight authoritarianism. And guess what? America understood the assignment. The first rule? Make their lives harder. The second? Make sure they know you’re doing it. The third? Never, under any circumstances, let fascism feel comfortable.
And besties? We are absolutely thriving.
Just ask Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy, who, after overseeing what feels like four trillion plane crashes, thought he could waltz into Los Angeles and announce he was slowing down California’s high-speed rail project like some kind of infrastructure supervillain. What happened instead? He got savagely booed out of the station. Dozens of protesters, hiding behind a literal curtain for dramatic flair, made his speech impossible to finish, drowning him out with chants of “Build the rail!” and “Traffic Sucks Build The Rail!” And in what can only be described as a cinematic masterpiece, someone even threw a tomato. A vegetable-based protest? Incredible. Protesters waved signs that basically told him to pack it up and sob into his tiny little government-issued pillow, and he did exactly what we expect from these fragile Trump men, he whined. He tried to pass the blame onto Governor Gavin Newsom, but the people just boo’ed him harder. Maybe if Duffy focussed less on sabotaging public transportation he’d have time to keep planes in the air.
Meanwhile, Trump is getting publicly humiliated on the daily, and honestly? It’s been enjoyable to watch. Just yesterday, Janet Mills mopped the floor with him and kept it pushing. At a White House event, Trump, a full-grown man so insecure he has to pick fights with children, tried to publicly pressure Maine Governor Janet Mills into falling in line over his ban on trans kids in sports. He smugly asked if Maine would comply, expecting… what? Obedience? Fear? A participation trophy? Instead, Mills hit him with a casual “See you in court.” And he crumbled.
Elle Woods has entered the building!!
Flustered and desperate, Trump tried to clap back: “Good, I’ll see you in court. And enjoy your life after governor, because I don’t think you’ll be in elected politics.” Which, first of all, where is the rhythm? Where is the punch? Where is the clapback charisma?? The only thing Trump’s threats are intimidating is the English language. Meanwhile, Mills flipped her hair, stepped over his fragile ego, and left the event unbothered, moisturized, and iconic. She immediately dropped a statement making it clear that Maine would not be bullied, adding that if Trump tried to strip federal funding from Maine’s schools, her administration would “take all appropriate and necessary legal action.” That’s what we call an alpha move, babe.
And this isn’t an isolated L for Trump. This is a pattern. At the Super Bowl, he expected adoration from the beer-and-football crowd but definitely got a big share of boos. It shook him so bad that he tried to change the conversation to Taylor Swift. LOSER ENERGY!!!!
And it’s not just Trump and one guy in his cabinet. Every insufferable little minion of his is getting humbled in public. Rich McCormick (R-GA) got up at a town hall in Suwanee, Georgia, thinking he was going to be Daddy Government, and instead got dragged by his own constituents for federal cuts and layoffs. When he tried to dismiss them, he compared them to January 6 rioters, so they booed him even louder. Rep. Kevin Hern (Oklahoma), Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (Wisconsin), and Rep. Nick Begich (Alaska) all thought they could hold public events without getting screamed at about Trump’s budget cuts, and turned out to be very very wrong. Rep. Cliff Bentz (Oregon) had the audacity to show his face after slashing federal programs, only to be confronted by actual crying people who he literally left jobless. Imagine thinking you can gut Social Security and then casually go about your day like a little budget-cutting Barbie.
And then there’s Britt Boril, an absolute icon who delivered the burn of the year and it’s only February. During a Wyoming Senate hearing for the 'What Is A Woman' Act (yes, those losers are still trying to legislate gender) Britt looked State Senator Tim French dead in the eye and called him “Madame Chairman.” I repeat: MADAME CHAIRMAN. In a room full of men desperately trying to assert control over women’s bodies, she feminized the hell out of him and walked away victorious. French was visibly flustered, and the moment was so perfect I watched it 500 times before I went to sleep as my nighttime affirmations. This is the energy we need.
This is not harassment. This is insufferable bitch energy at its finest.
Make their own rules work against them. Weaponize politeness, decorum, and legal technicalities until they crumble under the weight of their own nonsense. They wanted labels? Okay, Madame Chairman.
These men want to feel like powerful leaders, but every time they step outside, they get reminded that no one respects them. They want to make decisions that ruin lives? Then they should have to do it while getting side-eyed by every woman in a sundress at Whole Foods. And they better start investing in some riot shields, because the veggie-throwing era is upon us.
They should feel unwelcome. They should feel uncomfortable.
If they want to strip away freedoms, they should at least have to do it while getting screamed at.
So if you’ve been wondering how to be an insufferable bitch in 2025, congratulations: people are already doing it. Keep going. Normalize embarrassing public servants. Make them cry in their Teslas. Make fascism humiliating again.
BRIT. Omg I love her and all of this so much 😭😭😭♥️♥️♥️
I needed this energy, reassurance and attitude! Thank you, Liz! As always, you are the best and brightest voice.