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Thank you Liz for this useful and acknowledging post for men and women. Tantra and Tao explains that women are like water they need more time to worm up, but when they are correctly aroused that can have much longer, stronger multiple orgasms than men.Thats why men need to take more time to warm up a woman by kissing, caressing, giving good oral sex ect. Men instead are like fire they warm up quickly but switch of soon. That's why men should practice semen retention and non ejaculatory orgasm to satisfy women. One minute man is absolutely not enough for women who by nature are multiorgasmic and sexually more resistant than men by nature. Men take care of your ladies need and desires, women talk and explain your men your sexual need and help them to get better at pleasuring you. Be patient and give good instructions how to take better of sexual needs and wishes. Have a happy, loving and respectful relationship.

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