Feb 9Liked by Liz Plank

You make such interesting points. An open democratic primary might feed the media and allow lots of shots at Trump. Huge stakes involved. Such a tough one. Pisses me off to hear about all those who won’t vote for Biden for this or that reason. Do they think Trump will be an improvement? Voting is like making a bet on a candidate, and not voting or voting for a third party candidate is making a bet that it doesn’t matter who wins. Odds are it makes a big difference ie abortion, human rights, healthcare , the world order/NATO and on and on

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Feb 10Liked by Liz Plank

I truly wish there was a viable and inspiring Democrat alternative to President Biden. He was not even my third choice from the 2020 Democrat primaries, but I voted for him in the general election. I will, begrudgingly, vote for him again. Trump is not an option, but my vote for Biden will be more of a vote against Trump. Biden’s age was not an issue for me in 2020, and up until recently, I have been reluctant to entertain concerns with his age. When uncertainty is high, willful ignorance can be a useful tool, especially if your goal is preventing greater uncertainty. What compounds this is many of today’s congressional Republicans suffer from self-deception regarding Trump. As you mentioned, there are clearly valid reasons for wanting to not vote for Biden, but without a viable alternative, not voting at all would be akin to voting for Trump, and hence against our (Progressives) own interests. To believe otherwise would be self-deception. Must things get worse before they get better? Don’t we deserve better candidates?

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Feb 9Liked by Liz Plank

I don’t want trump to win, at all… but I don’t think Biden can beat him. Not after his actions regarding Gaza

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Feb 10Liked by Liz Plank

Every time I think about this election and who will be on the ballot I feel myself beginning to dissociate. I was never a fan of Joe Biden but in 2020 I voted for him regardless. Now though? His “unconditional” support for the Israeli military/ funding indiscriminate bombing of innocents, of families with children… it is as offensive to me as anything Trump has ever done. I genuinely don’t know who to campaign for or what do do about Election Day. Your idea is the only glimmer of hope I’ve had in months. Maybe if Biden steps down to make room for a different, better, more inspiring candidate—one with curiosity about those who’ve been othered and with imagination about how things COULD be—just maybe I can stay in my body whenever the presidential election comes up in conversation. Here’s hoping!!

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Feb 9Liked by Liz Plank

Agree! The DFL needs to give Dems someone to vote for, not someone to vote against. Biden got us out of the Trump darkness, and that can be his legacy. Pass the torch to younger generations!

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Feb 13Liked by Liz Plank

Biden isn’t stepping down but he’s been smart enough to surround himself with a younger, diverse, and progressive administration. We have to get people on board because the alternative will be the end of democracy, and so many constitutional rights. If something happens to Biden while in office, we still have VP Harris and in 2024, I’m all in for Gavin Newsom.

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Feb 10Liked by Liz Plank

Seems like the Democratic party and Biden are nervous because to step down is mostly unprecedented, specifically for age reasons and campaigns organized over such a short period don’t have any record of success (at least in anyone alive’s lifetime). It’s thrusting yourself into a fire and hoping that you make it out alive. They are making a strategic decision because there’s no example to point to that they can model their game-plan after . It’s an odds play that essentially hopes that Trump will further decline or disqualify himself or the court will bail us out ( remember when there was an option to add justices?) . From a pure math standpoint, and the amount of effort and work the DNC would have to do, to come up with an alternative, it’s a defensible (even logical) position. But that view doesn’t take into account the immeasurable downside of a Trump win and more specifically a Trump win OVER Biden. This outcome allows him to further play pretend that 2020 wasn’t legitimate and remake the government and institutions in his own image (to ensure that it never happens again). In the process he will be Erasing centuries of precedent that just amounts to norms and decorum as opposed to actual laws. These things are the tenuous strings that hold together the republic. The only thing that could save Biden is him miraculously negotiating a return of the hostages and an end to the war in Gaza .Like you, I think I’d rather take my chances with democrat candidate x.

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Feb 10Liked by Liz Plank

I actually agree with everything you have stated Liz! So many poignant statements in this read… I agree that Biden does need to pull out and make room for another suitable candidate that both independents and democrats can get behind. (Probably even some republicans too if their only other option is Trump.)

CNN recently interviewed some black voters in Charleston, South Carolina (where I currently live) and a many said that they aren’t even going out to vote at all this year. A few stated they are encouraging their community not to as well. That’s so disheartening… knowing that they don’t want to use their voting rights/ voice at all (one they as a community fought so hard for!) and feeling like they have been so unheard under this incumbency.

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Feb 10Liked by Liz Plank

I could not agree more with you on this one Liz! Biden needs to do what is right for our country. Step aside and inspire young voters to get behind a candidate they can believe in!!!

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Feb 10Liked by Liz Plank

100% he needs to step down from the race and let another democratic candidate have a chance. Preferably a young more progressive candidate

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Feb 9Liked by Liz Plank

Oof, you got me with that headline! Thanks for creating such a thoughtful read. 🤗

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

When you said our world is too shaky to have our options for president also be—yes!! Sadly, I’m thinking that a traditional white male in power who has had his faculties (dignity) publicly attacked does the opposite of stepping down in those situations. You know the whole, “Well, I’ll be damned if I…” and all that. We do need everyone who is disheartened with our choices, and considering not voting at all, to remember that not voting for Biden IS voting for Trump.

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Biden isn’t stepping down but he’s been smart enough to surround himself with young and diverse talents. He is the best candidate for now and we just have to get on board. If something were to happen to Biden, we have Kamala and in 2028, I’m all in with Gavin Newsime.

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I really appreciated a couple of your points, especially the one about how Biden dropping out would allow us to attack Trump for his similar weaknesses. I included it in a petition my org wrote asking Biden to drop.


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It is time for Joe Biden to step aside. He has had a lot of success as president, and he seems like a decent guy. However, his cognitive faculties are failing him, and he is no longer fit to be in office.

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