Apr 14Liked by Liz Plank

This post speaks to me so much. Thank you for sharing Liz! I’ve been on a roller coaster of a personal journey, healing trauma and dealing with challenge after challenge, and grieving things, people and a life that could have been. Themes of attachment and expectation are everywhere. Your post helped me also make the connection to my work, both in my profession, my community and social justice work. Exhaustion and burnout are a real doozy, and it can make you question if you’re on the right path. I’m learning that things aren’t happening TO me, but FOR me. The roadblocks, losses and challenges are meant for me to learn important lessons along the way. There is always something good, even in the bad. For me, the lessons I’m learning are the good. Hearing about others who are struggling with unnecessary suffering and processing these big losses is helping me. So thank you for sharing. You using your voice and platform is helping to bring people together to regroup and figure out another way to tackle these important issues, and learn the lessons we need to succeed. 💜

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14Liked by Liz Plank

The only real issue with going through atrocities like we are witnessing or losing rights like Roe is that only the living benefits from grief… a lot of people end up… dead. They don’t get to recover from anything on the other side. They are just dead, caused by the “don’t give a damn” actions of other people in power. Just… dead. Dead forever. No recovery, no coming to terms with loss.

Senselessly dead.

That’s what enrages me more than my own loss, the loss the living endure. It’s the dead. Tens to hundreds of thousands to millions (pandemic) of human beings who were just in the path of selfish people in power.

I have faith the living will find a way through, but the dead, their one and ONLY life, someone just took. Without remorse, without apology, without repair.

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Apr 14Liked by Liz Plank

This post hit me hard today, in a good way. Thank you 😊

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