
give the men what they want!

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Jun 19Liked by Liz Plank

What men want and what media tell us men want is not the same thing.

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you put it very well!

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Even what women think men want and what they tell other women what men want, probably crafted by our media telling women what men want.. reinforced over and over and over... Nobody asks... not really, honestly truly asks ... without men thinking it's some sort of trap... and then telling us what we *really* meant to say, what we meant to want. Good on Liz for creating space to get men to open up honestly... even though she had to "trick" them into honesty with shenanigans 😀

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So, Liz, let’s all celebrate the inner self with way less concern for the outer look for everyone. I can testify that men come in all sizes, shapes, and colors, but it’s their loving character that counts.

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so well-said!!

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Jun 19Liked by Liz Plank

Obsessed with this and you!!! 💖

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Great work!! 😅

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"If you can't find the trend you want, make it up!" love it!

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Maybe this should be embarrassing but watching 20 something’s all choose the “hot girl” on a recent reality show makes me wonder!! Lol

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Love this! This trend should actually exist. #embracethefupa lol

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i heart that you make me laugh and make me think in equal measures! go Liz! this was hilarious + so timely

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I love you so fucking much!! This is amazing. ❤️💪🏻

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So there have always been men who liked heavy women. Many men have very shallow body standards and it will continue to exist. Women however are not above shallow body standards. And at five foot three I know this for a fact!

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