i once again, choose the bear.

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Wow! Talk about hitting asshole bingo! Like you said, that's an impressive amount of bigotry to fit into 20 minutes.

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How the hell you stay sane after listening to this speech, thinking about it and then writing about it blows my mind! I just got to the WTAF IS THIS SH*T?!? phase and I’m still there.

Did nobody at the university ask for his speech ahead of giving him a live mic? Are only white men given this privilege? Or was he asked and the speech approved? I have a LOT of questions for the administration when we are seeing universities deny speakers based on their ethnicity, gender and race!

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Ok.. since posting this, I have listened to his speech several times. Pray for me if that’s your thing. I posted a few thoughts on threads, mowed the lawn and then came back and posted some more thoughts because I do my best thinking about Taylor Swift while mowing my lawn (it started off as a joke, then it became a viral thread… it’s a bit, life is a bit… work with me here)

I grew up Catholic. 13 years of Catholic school. My dad was one of those pre-Vatican II devotees, did not recognize V-II. Butker (28) sounds EXACTLY like my dad until the day he died. (Not sorry he is dead… sorry) I grew up on a steady diet of this stuff. He is wrong, but he is earnest and he was speaking to an audience that, for the most part, believes exactly as he articulated. I doubt very much he actually wrote a large part of this speech because it was too ideological, too dogmatic. Usually “lay practitioners” are not quite as articulate about the Creed. I suspect a priest or two helped him. He is a pretty parrot for them. So, there is that. This is dangerous stuff; it’s an old set of beliefs, nothing new and not isolated to Butker. He is just the lightning rod all those Benedictine priests set up. Anyway, I also have some thoughts about the TS quote, why he used it, how he fell into a trap that resulted in him committing the Deadly Sin of Pride, etc. I might write this up but threads if you’re there.

There’s a lot here! Dangerous man.

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Degrading, insulting, rotting garbage like this is why the 4B movement has traction.

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Remember the controversy surrounding The Chicks in 2003? When Natalie expressed shame about sharing a home state with George W. Bush, the country erupted in outrage. The backlash even forced her to apologize, a reaction that mirrors the silencing of dissenting voices in society.

But The Chicks refused to be silenced. Their defiant album, "Taking the Long Way," featured singles like "Not Ready to Make Nice" and the unapologetic "Lubbock or Leave It"—a middle finger to the town that turned its back on them. This ignited the infamous "Shut up and sing" refrain from both country music fans and people outside the genre, a stark example of how society often tries to stifle those who challenge the status quo.

Now, Harrison Butker, and his regressive views, is hardly alone in his misguided beliefs. In fact, I'd wager that many in the NFL share his backward mindset, highlighting the systemic nature of these attitudes in the world of professional sports.

As an avid golfer, I've learned firsthand the need to avoid politics on the course. Golf is a bastion of conservative values, where maintaining a "good ol' days" mentality (wink, wink) is the unspoken rule. They embodied MAGA long before it became a slogan. When I'm on a golf course outside the DMV, I have to put on a persona that fits in—a medical device salesman from Pennsylvania by way of Texas and Tennessee—to avoid any uncomfortable conversations about "those liberals."

The lack of diversity in professional golf further highlights this problem. With only one openly gay male golfer, the locker room is dominated by good-hearted Christians who, despite their intentions, may hold beliefs that would make it illegal for many people to be who they truly are.

The good news? That's changing, thanks in large part to, oddly enough, COVID. COVID brought tons of new golfers to the game - being outside, together, drinking beer, listening to music, whatver - which has, in turn, brought new perspectives onto the course. I have lots of friends who have, even though golf still remains chock-full of conservatives, taken up the game and, unashamedly, have done so as they are.

So, on the one hand, screw Harrison Butker, on the other, people like him can stand in the way of progress only so long. Or, at least, that's the hope.

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First of all, thanks Liz for your email and posts.

I'm curious about the audience's reaction. However, I'm fairly certain that everyone there knew what they were signing up for... I would also appreciate reading a statement from the college. Currently, they only have an article on their website that "summarizes" very few points of the speech.

… I can't get over it: What audacity to stand in front of all these people and claim that "YOU women have been told the most diabolical lies"... guess what: We are getting stronger (but also more impatient)

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How did this even happen? Usually these types of speeches need to be reviewed BEFOREHAND…guessing that didn’t happen?! Or all the people that approved it agreed with the oppressive rhetoric? 🫠

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🤮 And to think I was a fan of his as a kicker. Now I hope he gets some serious heat from his teammates.

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Hey, Liz. I can’t keep up with all the idiocy. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Now I have to research the college where it happened.

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I’m curious if the university got a preview of the speech. Even if they didn’t they owe their students an apology (I haven’t seen any statement from the university but admittedly haven’t dig very deep).

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The university most likely wrote or edited it for Butker. Everything in that speech is “the Creed” I heard growing up Catholic in a parish that today still does the traditional Latin Mass. None of what he was saying was shocking or new, just used a few new terms and cultural references, but pretty standard stuff they say in most Catholic places.

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a lot of smart comments have already been made, so I'll just say, I'm once again feeling validated I never roster Butker on my fantasy team. This is probably the most attention he's received outside of KC fans and fantasy footballers.

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