Yes, we can win this. Liz, thanks for spelling out the danger and life- threatening risks women face without full freedom over their bodies and reproductive care. Men show us you care.

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thank you ❤️🥹

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Liz, there's a story from India, I think, where women in a village needed the local well fixed. Men weren't getting the message. Women? No well? No sex. The well was fixed in short order. In China, women outnumber men. They have a different attitude about dating, marriage and "etc".

As a guy, I've learned. Stupid only gets you so far.

The lessons of Ruth Bader Ginsburg apply here. At some point it's no longer "on the basis of" - sex.

39 years married. I must be doing something right. My wife won't tell me what.

I suspect it has something to do with making her laugh and respecting, and asking for, her opinion and discussions not "man"-ologues.

The most important word in relationships? Us. The least? I.

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Indeed, that is spot-on accurate, Liz. These abortion bans literally KILL pregnant women, who now currently have fewer legal rights than a corpse. Let that sink in!

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