Oh the sim. Got yelled at for breastfeeding my baby in my own car while reading this. Currently sitting in a parking lot with all the windows halfway down, since it’s 75 outside. I had to park to feed the baby and a woman walked by, stops to stare into the car and yell about how there’s children nearby.

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oh the internalized misogyny 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼

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I could write a whole Substack on insane breastfeeding encounters 😂 I laugh but also early on it almost discouraged me from continuing to breastfeed but thankfully found a solid moms group

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so glad you found your tribe!!

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So glad the company will profit from the ad anyway. What a ridiculous tempest in a teapot. But you’re right that we can all get a laugh.

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right? they certainly got the last laugh!!

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That is a really creative ad! I love it! I'm so happy you brought it to my attention. I'd love to know more about the creative direction because it's a strong counter argument to what IS served up routinely in advertising: women as props with no agency. This is woman in her power with agency and wit. More of that please.

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My first reaction to hearing about this was, “Oh FFS!” My second was… “cookies?” I know, lactation cookies but still, “COOKIES!”

This country drives me nuts with their whole argument about breastfeeding. It’s a mom, feeding her baby. Seriously, why is this even an issue? And women shaming other women for breastfeeding, what the hell? What went so terribly wrong in their lives that they go out of their way to call out breastfeeding… maybe they just need to stand strategically between the nursing mom and the nearby kids if they are so concerned…

Can I just add another, OH FFS!!!!!!

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Clearly this is an untapped PURPOSEFUL marketing strategy. Just being “blatantly scandalous” and expect the ad to be removed. 500% increase in traffic to your company. 💥

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