I wonder if these guys just never interact with or see women in their day to day lives? I’ve walked into walls, tables, doors and other people because I was caught off guard by a beautiful woman. They are literally everywhere. I can’t imagine thinking an airbrushed picture is better than seeing someone in real life. Then getting to actually talk to someone and finding out who they are as a person. That’s heaven. These dorks are missing out.
I appreciate your comment and realness. And aside from her being insanely hot, I bet she’s an amazing person with a lot to give emotionally to the people who care for her and she cares for. Ugh glad to see REAL people like you Todd and the others here who are here for REAL. I guess those other guys…those bullies. They not like us. Sorry. Had to. 🤭
Being a victim of society doesn’t give you the right to make other people victims as well. Thats not an excuse. I’m 41, bald, 5’3” and have a pacemaker. I’m a walking victim of society and life in general. I don’t treat women the way they do.
No no I didn’t think you did. Everyone’s a victim of something, it’s what you channel that into that defines who you are. Guys who use that victimization to degrade women are definitely dorks.
The manosphere gave a lot of them brain worms. The online world where women are compliant, hot and barely legal is much easier than living in the real one. When they meet actual women they have no idea what to do, and what’s worse is that even if they find a woman who likes them, if she’s not “high value” enough they feel like they’re owed that.
It’s like those so-called “Star Wars fans” who claim to love the franchise yet reject any iteration beyond the ’70s. These men, who claim to love women, scorn any real, unfiltered female form, insisting some airbrushed, nostalgic ideal defines beauty. The true beauty in this world includes the “perfect” and the “imperfect”—both are the messy complexity of real human beings who are not simply two-dimensional pinups or freeze-framed fantasies. Stuck in that closed-minded attitude, they forfeit life’s possibilities and the deep connections that arise from embracing reality.
This is scary without being surprising. Men who see women as objects, as trophies, judge them accordingly. If they are flawed (as we all are), better to reject them outright, lest a woman get a chance to reject you first . Its fear turned inside out. Men (some men, at least) have a real need to shrink women to a size where they can't hurt them. The internet allows them to talk to other men who share how they feel and reinforce it. It's a terribly alarming trend and it's not good for women, obviously. It's also not good for men. It's sending them even further into the dark corners of their own isolation.
I just don't get it. Sydney looks fantastic considering the nature of paparazzi photos. This saga also shows that the men who are upset, aren't actually interested in her body of work. She was bulking up for her portrayal of boxer Christy Martin in a bio-pic. Which has also drawn the same reaction to in released photos.
It's always the men who actually need to lose some pounds that are the ones quick to judge others. Especially when it's criticism of women's bodies.
“Now and in the future patriarchal attitudes will benefit no one, least of all the men.” Thus ends Eva Figes classic 1970 book “Patriarchal Attitudes”. Reading this piece on Sydney Sweeney makes me sad but hopeful the aforementioned attitudes are going out of fashion…
I think one of the main problems is how social media promotes the ideas that relationships are nothing but transactional and constant negotiations about value based on perceived hotness. And it's not just men who this affects.
If you really believe that, then the first step of any negotiation is to devalue the "product" and make yourself look better than it. It's a shitty loop of that unfortunately means that all of these people will never actually fall in love, which is the best and scariest feeling in the world. How do we fix it?
Incel. Culture. It is permeating every facet of the 13-30 yr old men. They need to do the inner work so they can see themselves as human beings again. This manosphere has encouraged them to completely check out of reality & construct the ultimate fantasy that encourages ego driven self betrayal at every turn. It isolates & keeps them in this state where all they think bout is smex but never with a real person. Everyone knows the fantasy will never meet the reality, so that is why they will perpetually be stuck there til they remember they are human too & eat some HUMBLE PIE!
So very well written. I have several observations. First of all, Sweeney is smoking hot in those pool side pics. I can’t wrap my head around seeing her as not hot based on those pictures! Crazy. Second, your points are all good ones but I would like to add that a sense of connection comes in many forms. Some feel connected as a spiritual practice - you know, “one with the universe.” Some deeply religious celibates derive their sense of connection from church and related practices. It does not have to be a sexual or romantic relationship. I am not active with women. My sense of connection comes from my vegan diet and sense of spiritual unity with God and creation. I’m perfectly happy without a partner. Maybe happier than most, and I’m not bitter nor do I dislike women! I’m also not a virgin but I am abstaining from romantic interaction.
I can't help myself - I paid for a subscription specifically to write this comment lol. Where to begin? Let's start with a recent statistic: For the first time in human history, there are more women in their mid 30s, who're single and childless, than there are who're married with 1+ child. Why? Is it because women are "Choosing a life of happiness, instead of "oppressive" marriages?" GTFO - The two things every woman dreams about every single day, starting around age 6, are her future wedding and her future babies. We're to believe that women decided, eh, let's be single cat moms instead? No.
Does egg preservation/IVF play a part, as women are far more career oriented these days? Yes. But by far, the main reason women aren't getting married and having kids, is because Feminism has ruined their lives:
Tina, aged 39, loves iced coffee, her dog, hiking, and wants kids "someday," is f*cking delusional. Tina, you're not 29, you're 39. Your sexual market value began decreasing at 30, then much faster post 35, and by the way, you were a soft 6 to begin with. Feminism taught Tina she deserves "the best." So she spent her 20s like a drunken frat boy, and went from one fleeting relationship to the next, creating a self-fulfilling cycle of disappointment -- the new shiny toy is fun, until it inevitably fails to meet Tina's wildly unrealistic expectations, so she discards it, and finds a new one. Repeat. She is permanently unable to experience durable happiness in a relationship, and ends up single and alone at 40. You can't tell me this isn't happening everywhere -- IT IS.
Here's another reason why women are in deep sh*t: Men started realizing our sperm doesn't expire. Society did a great job of pressuring us to get married and have kids before 40, because it aligns with women's fertility window (without any benefit for men whatsoever). Fact: Our prime years are roughly 37-45 -- mentally, emotionally, FINANCIALLY, and even physically. The sexual market value of a 40 year old man, making $300k/year, who stays in shape and spent his 30s bettering himself across the board, is HIGH. That man is THE. PRIZE. And he has ZERO interest in "Tina."
In reality, what has happened isn't an "incel epidemic" that women love to cite every chance they get; what has happened is a psychological shift, which -- shocker -- reflects the ability of men to think rationally: Marriage is an ENORMOUS financial & legal risk for us. The day we get married, we lose all of our leverage -- why? Marriage law has embedded incentives for women to divorce us; most women have at least some values, of course, and thus, will endure the ups and downs (and the "oppression" (!) sigh) of marriage for a while, especially if children are involved. But at some point, the effort to "fix" the marriage takes its toll, and her incentives -- Cash & Prizes -- start looking pretty good. She gets the house, the kids, half of all the money in every account, and a fat paycheck from us, for X years. Yes, its true that many women have their own careers and make their own money blah blah, but divorce crushes us -- no matter what.
What's our incentive, then? Well, since it's cripplingly expensive for you to leave us (financially, emotionally), our incentive is to get you to stay -- by any means necessary. And that needy, weak behavior, is the EXACT kind of behavior that tells a woman she SHOULD LEAVE.
Yeah. Never looked at it that way, did you?
Of course not, because your solipsistic minds are still so coked-out on Feminism, it hasn't sunk in yet: We now know, as a man, we can simply wait. Bide our time, and eventually find a woman who appreciates and respects us -- as a man. And odds are, a man who's making more and more money while waiting for you to come around, is simply becoming a higher value man.
So yep -Sydney whatever the f*ck her name is, needs to drop a few pounds. And she looks pale. You think that because men are saying this, it speaks to their inability to be in relationships? To be "vulnerable?" Eventually, you women will reconnect with your true femininity, your biological hard-wiring will remind you that the most attractive men aren't "vulnerable," they exude masculinity up the wazoo, and have testosterone levels of 1,500+. And he isn't your "partner." A partnership implies 50/50 across the board. You want a man who's taller, makes more money, is physically and mentally stronger, leads in the relationship, is decisive and dominant -- okay, that isn't describing a "partner," its your "superior."
You'll hate this, but it doesn't make it less true: A woman will marry the best man she can get -- her hypergamous best option -- or she'll find herself desperate for any man and convince herself the available one is the best. The problem for you gals, though, is we're far less available now, because why would we be available to women who're insanely entitled, and likely on prescription drugs for a mental illness? But, in case you haven't noticed, there are more and more women in their late 20s who're recognizing the damage Feminism has done -- as evidenced by the countless women in their mid-late 30s, who're single, childless and miserable, and showing it, by writing articles like this one LOL. To these younger women, a 40 year old guy who brings everything to the table, looks like a damn good option.
I'm glad you paid Liz for the privilege for posting this BS -- if only you could take some of that $300K and pay the rest of us for the time we will never get back. OK, self declared happily married man (I wish your wife could communicate with us anonymously so we could ask her to blink if she needs help).
First of all, the "single cat mom" trope is so tired. You keep saying it like it's a bad thing. It's not. Only a dude would think that's an insult.
So drunken frat boys spent their 20s doing the same thing as Tina (and 30s and 40s) and we're supposed to believe that only she is damaged goods? Calling bullshit on that one. Drunken frat boys are alcoholics with ED by their mid-30s. Unless they have family money, they're starting to suck at work and their careers bottom out at middle management. Or they are in sales or hospitality, which they can't do any more because it feeds their dysfunctional lifestyle: they're never home to have any kind of quality relationship with a woman. They're not "bettering themselves across the board," they're convinced that their mediocrity will never catch up with them.
Divorce crushes us too. Some of us have to give our money over or be responsible for his debts. We are always blamed for the failure of the marriage, even when it's his behavior that caused it or he wanted out. Affairs, physical and emotional abuse, money problems, doesn't matter: it's all her fault. And while he's supposedly required to support the kids financially, often, he doesn't, and she either has to spend money going back to court or it will be futile because he's hidden his assets or is now living off his new partner the way he did his old partner.
"You want a man who's taller, makes more money, is physically and mentally stronger, leads in the relationship, is decisive and dominant." Some women do. Most of us who have been single in our 30s and 40s don't want that person. That person is exhausting. That person is a narcissist who think he brings more to the relationship than she does and never lets her forget it. He's always dangling leaving for a younger woman with a perfect body, or someone who's more willing to be a trad wife and work for less money plus still be responsible for everything around the house.
A remarkably small number of us who are in our 30s are single, childless and miserable. (I'm in my 50s now, long term partnered with zero desire to marry, but I was single and childless in my late 30s and early 40s, and had the time of my life -- hooray for the Tinas of the world -- until I met my life partner, and yes, he's a partner. He was a damn good option and still is -- I didn't have to settle a bit.)
Honey, you’re expired. You shrieked about “toxic” men for 15-20 years, and when your sexual market value hit zero (if you had any to begin with), you “partnered” with the 5’8 Democrat you got HSV 2 from ten years ago, or vice versa. Mother Nature gave her Sons reproductive longevity in case a couple generations of Feminists needed to get weeded out by evolution. And here we are. I’d forgotten all about paying “Liz” five dollars a month but I think I’ll stick around for more opportunities like this. By the way, my wife is 28 and recently said: “these women know they’ve hit the wall & they have nowhere else to go” as she put it, and that’s why I love her. So long.
So she's as toxic as you are. Got it. Glad you found each other and aren't out there wasting other people's time in the dating market. And if it took you 10 mins of your life to write out this pathetic comment, your intelligence is inversely related to your misogyny. As for my profile picture, I would hardly talk when you have to wear sunglasses that you think make you look all tough guy in order to show off what you're deluded into thinking is a sexy beard on the internet. What a joke!
My sexual market value was never higher than in my 40s, particularly with younger dudes who didn't want to become insecure incels or married at 22. And yes, I'm partnered with a Democrat, because honestly, who wants to be a trad wife Republibot? I've gone where I always wanted to be, with someone who has an emotional IQ that's equivalent to his intelligence, and is not insecurely fixated on subjugating his female partner. I'm not engaged in a war on intelligence like you MAGAts seem to be, firing nuclear weapons specialists and food safety inspectors. And I've never had HSV 2 (and neither has he.)
Who's going to get weeded out by evolution? Besides the dumbass antivaxxers like the guy who denies himself a heart transplant because he won't get vaccinated? And the ammosexuals so in love with their guns that they end up shooting themselves or let their toddlers do it do it for them? It's the embittered incels who can't even find someone to sleep with, much less get married and become a parent with, who spend their spare time gaming and watching porn.
Who wants to be tied to their abusive toxicity for 18 years or more, while the kids sullenly are forced to have a relationship with the dad who dodges child support and doesn't know anything about parenting them appropriately? Women are realizing they have options, and that's why over 27% of men between 18-30 are still virgins. That's the real reason you hate feminists. Because we know we have options, and will never stop fighting for them. Stop projecting your misery on us, when every study shows it's the single men who are the most miserable.
I’m sorry but will Sydney Sweeney be okay? At the end of the day she’s JUST a girl. Just a woman. Just like us. And we hear ALL the hurtful words people have said about us constantly on repeat. Or at least I do. Cutting words. And celebrities have it even worse as everyone feels entitled to comment on their lives in full.
I’d take her body any day over what I have. She’s absolutely stunning. But I also take my body. The cellulite. The stretch marks, the mom belly and baby pouch. Because I lived in this one. I earned it. And I have a man who worships it and makes me feel like I am HIS Sydney Sweeney. That’s what we deserve. Not to be torn down for any slight perceived imperfection by another human with their own.
I wonder if these guys just never interact with or see women in their day to day lives? I’ve walked into walls, tables, doors and other people because I was caught off guard by a beautiful woman. They are literally everywhere. I can’t imagine thinking an airbrushed picture is better than seeing someone in real life. Then getting to actually talk to someone and finding out who they are as a person. That’s heaven. These dorks are missing out.
I appreciate your comment and realness. And aside from her being insanely hot, I bet she’s an amazing person with a lot to give emotionally to the people who care for her and she cares for. Ugh glad to see REAL people like you Todd and the others here who are here for REAL. I guess those other guys…those bullies. They not like us. Sorry. Had to. 🤭
Maybe their problems are deeper than dorkism can explain. I don’t think we should exclude the possibility that these men are also victims of society.
Being a victim of society doesn’t give you the right to make other people victims as well. Thats not an excuse. I’m 41, bald, 5’3” and have a pacemaker. I’m a walking victim of society and life in general. I don’t treat women the way they do.
But for clarification, I did not indicate these men are justified.
No no I didn’t think you did. Everyone’s a victim of something, it’s what you channel that into that defines who you are. Guys who use that victimization to degrade women are definitely dorks.
The manosphere gave a lot of them brain worms. The online world where women are compliant, hot and barely legal is much easier than living in the real one. When they meet actual women they have no idea what to do, and what’s worse is that even if they find a woman who likes them, if she’s not “high value” enough they feel like they’re owed that.
The manosphere gives me the ick.
Same here. Very icky and creepy indeed.
It’s like those so-called “Star Wars fans” who claim to love the franchise yet reject any iteration beyond the ’70s. These men, who claim to love women, scorn any real, unfiltered female form, insisting some airbrushed, nostalgic ideal defines beauty. The true beauty in this world includes the “perfect” and the “imperfect”—both are the messy complexity of real human beings who are not simply two-dimensional pinups or freeze-framed fantasies. Stuck in that closed-minded attitude, they forfeit life’s possibilities and the deep connections that arise from embracing reality.
Put simply: sucks to be them.
this is such an epic metaphor!!!
I rely on Star Wars and golf metaphors when I speak. I can reduce one, but not both. Some things are too important.
This is scary without being surprising. Men who see women as objects, as trophies, judge them accordingly. If they are flawed (as we all are), better to reject them outright, lest a woman get a chance to reject you first . Its fear turned inside out. Men (some men, at least) have a real need to shrink women to a size where they can't hurt them. The internet allows them to talk to other men who share how they feel and reinforce it. It's a terribly alarming trend and it's not good for women, obviously. It's also not good for men. It's sending them even further into the dark corners of their own isolation.
I just don't get it. Sydney looks fantastic considering the nature of paparazzi photos. This saga also shows that the men who are upset, aren't actually interested in her body of work. She was bulking up for her portrayal of boxer Christy Martin in a bio-pic. Which has also drawn the same reaction to in released photos.
It's always the men who actually need to lose some pounds that are the ones quick to judge others. Especially when it's criticism of women's bodies.
facts, and the guys get admiration and respect when they bulk up for roles!
I’m clapping 👏🏻
The men intent on attacking Sydney for being human lack humanity and empathy.
so true
“Now and in the future patriarchal attitudes will benefit no one, least of all the men.” Thus ends Eva Figes classic 1970 book “Patriarchal Attitudes”. Reading this piece on Sydney Sweeney makes me sad but hopeful the aforementioned attitudes are going out of fashion…
i love that quote!!
Amen. Patriarchy is a negative-sum game in which ultimately men also lose as well.
I promise to read the entire article once I stop cackling at the headline and lead.
it’s fact-checked too!
Plus the paparazzi suck. But we all knew that already.
Truly the scum of the earth.
what’s your take on these guys?
They’re assholes? 🤷♀️😩
They are disgusting miscreants.
All very good points.
I think one of the main problems is how social media promotes the ideas that relationships are nothing but transactional and constant negotiations about value based on perceived hotness. And it's not just men who this affects.
If you really believe that, then the first step of any negotiation is to devalue the "product" and make yourself look better than it. It's a shitty loop of that unfortunately means that all of these people will never actually fall in love, which is the best and scariest feeling in the world. How do we fix it?
Incel. Culture. It is permeating every facet of the 13-30 yr old men. They need to do the inner work so they can see themselves as human beings again. This manosphere has encouraged them to completely check out of reality & construct the ultimate fantasy that encourages ego driven self betrayal at every turn. It isolates & keeps them in this state where all they think bout is smex but never with a real person. Everyone knows the fantasy will never meet the reality, so that is why they will perpetually be stuck there til they remember they are human too & eat some HUMBLE PIE!
Wow, insanity.
So very well written. I have several observations. First of all, Sweeney is smoking hot in those pool side pics. I can’t wrap my head around seeing her as not hot based on those pictures! Crazy. Second, your points are all good ones but I would like to add that a sense of connection comes in many forms. Some feel connected as a spiritual practice - you know, “one with the universe.” Some deeply religious celibates derive their sense of connection from church and related practices. It does not have to be a sexual or romantic relationship. I am not active with women. My sense of connection comes from my vegan diet and sense of spiritual unity with God and creation. I’m perfectly happy without a partner. Maybe happier than most, and I’m not bitter nor do I dislike women! I’m also not a virgin but I am abstaining from romantic interaction.
Good points Drew!
I can't help myself - I paid for a subscription specifically to write this comment lol. Where to begin? Let's start with a recent statistic: For the first time in human history, there are more women in their mid 30s, who're single and childless, than there are who're married with 1+ child. Why? Is it because women are "Choosing a life of happiness, instead of "oppressive" marriages?" GTFO - The two things every woman dreams about every single day, starting around age 6, are her future wedding and her future babies. We're to believe that women decided, eh, let's be single cat moms instead? No.
Does egg preservation/IVF play a part, as women are far more career oriented these days? Yes. But by far, the main reason women aren't getting married and having kids, is because Feminism has ruined their lives:
Tina, aged 39, loves iced coffee, her dog, hiking, and wants kids "someday," is f*cking delusional. Tina, you're not 29, you're 39. Your sexual market value began decreasing at 30, then much faster post 35, and by the way, you were a soft 6 to begin with. Feminism taught Tina she deserves "the best." So she spent her 20s like a drunken frat boy, and went from one fleeting relationship to the next, creating a self-fulfilling cycle of disappointment -- the new shiny toy is fun, until it inevitably fails to meet Tina's wildly unrealistic expectations, so she discards it, and finds a new one. Repeat. She is permanently unable to experience durable happiness in a relationship, and ends up single and alone at 40. You can't tell me this isn't happening everywhere -- IT IS.
Here's another reason why women are in deep sh*t: Men started realizing our sperm doesn't expire. Society did a great job of pressuring us to get married and have kids before 40, because it aligns with women's fertility window (without any benefit for men whatsoever). Fact: Our prime years are roughly 37-45 -- mentally, emotionally, FINANCIALLY, and even physically. The sexual market value of a 40 year old man, making $300k/year, who stays in shape and spent his 30s bettering himself across the board, is HIGH. That man is THE. PRIZE. And he has ZERO interest in "Tina."
In reality, what has happened isn't an "incel epidemic" that women love to cite every chance they get; what has happened is a psychological shift, which -- shocker -- reflects the ability of men to think rationally: Marriage is an ENORMOUS financial & legal risk for us. The day we get married, we lose all of our leverage -- why? Marriage law has embedded incentives for women to divorce us; most women have at least some values, of course, and thus, will endure the ups and downs (and the "oppression" (!) sigh) of marriage for a while, especially if children are involved. But at some point, the effort to "fix" the marriage takes its toll, and her incentives -- Cash & Prizes -- start looking pretty good. She gets the house, the kids, half of all the money in every account, and a fat paycheck from us, for X years. Yes, its true that many women have their own careers and make their own money blah blah, but divorce crushes us -- no matter what.
What's our incentive, then? Well, since it's cripplingly expensive for you to leave us (financially, emotionally), our incentive is to get you to stay -- by any means necessary. And that needy, weak behavior, is the EXACT kind of behavior that tells a woman she SHOULD LEAVE.
Yeah. Never looked at it that way, did you?
Of course not, because your solipsistic minds are still so coked-out on Feminism, it hasn't sunk in yet: We now know, as a man, we can simply wait. Bide our time, and eventually find a woman who appreciates and respects us -- as a man. And odds are, a man who's making more and more money while waiting for you to come around, is simply becoming a higher value man.
So yep -Sydney whatever the f*ck her name is, needs to drop a few pounds. And she looks pale. You think that because men are saying this, it speaks to their inability to be in relationships? To be "vulnerable?" Eventually, you women will reconnect with your true femininity, your biological hard-wiring will remind you that the most attractive men aren't "vulnerable," they exude masculinity up the wazoo, and have testosterone levels of 1,500+. And he isn't your "partner." A partnership implies 50/50 across the board. You want a man who's taller, makes more money, is physically and mentally stronger, leads in the relationship, is decisive and dominant -- okay, that isn't describing a "partner," its your "superior."
You'll hate this, but it doesn't make it less true: A woman will marry the best man she can get -- her hypergamous best option -- or she'll find herself desperate for any man and convince herself the available one is the best. The problem for you gals, though, is we're far less available now, because why would we be available to women who're insanely entitled, and likely on prescription drugs for a mental illness? But, in case you haven't noticed, there are more and more women in their late 20s who're recognizing the damage Feminism has done -- as evidenced by the countless women in their mid-late 30s, who're single, childless and miserable, and showing it, by writing articles like this one LOL. To these younger women, a 40 year old guy who brings everything to the table, looks like a damn good option.
I'm glad you paid Liz for the privilege for posting this BS -- if only you could take some of that $300K and pay the rest of us for the time we will never get back. OK, self declared happily married man (I wish your wife could communicate with us anonymously so we could ask her to blink if she needs help).
First of all, the "single cat mom" trope is so tired. You keep saying it like it's a bad thing. It's not. Only a dude would think that's an insult.
So drunken frat boys spent their 20s doing the same thing as Tina (and 30s and 40s) and we're supposed to believe that only she is damaged goods? Calling bullshit on that one. Drunken frat boys are alcoholics with ED by their mid-30s. Unless they have family money, they're starting to suck at work and their careers bottom out at middle management. Or they are in sales or hospitality, which they can't do any more because it feeds their dysfunctional lifestyle: they're never home to have any kind of quality relationship with a woman. They're not "bettering themselves across the board," they're convinced that their mediocrity will never catch up with them.
Divorce crushes us too. Some of us have to give our money over or be responsible for his debts. We are always blamed for the failure of the marriage, even when it's his behavior that caused it or he wanted out. Affairs, physical and emotional abuse, money problems, doesn't matter: it's all her fault. And while he's supposedly required to support the kids financially, often, he doesn't, and she either has to spend money going back to court or it will be futile because he's hidden his assets or is now living off his new partner the way he did his old partner.
"You want a man who's taller, makes more money, is physically and mentally stronger, leads in the relationship, is decisive and dominant." Some women do. Most of us who have been single in our 30s and 40s don't want that person. That person is exhausting. That person is a narcissist who think he brings more to the relationship than she does and never lets her forget it. He's always dangling leaving for a younger woman with a perfect body, or someone who's more willing to be a trad wife and work for less money plus still be responsible for everything around the house.
A remarkably small number of us who are in our 30s are single, childless and miserable. (I'm in my 50s now, long term partnered with zero desire to marry, but I was single and childless in my late 30s and early 40s, and had the time of my life -- hooray for the Tinas of the world -- until I met my life partner, and yes, he's a partner. He was a damn good option and still is -- I didn't have to settle a bit.)
Omg I just looked at your profile pic - I can’t believe I wasted 10 min of my life writing a comment to you. Jesus Christ.
Honey, you’re expired. You shrieked about “toxic” men for 15-20 years, and when your sexual market value hit zero (if you had any to begin with), you “partnered” with the 5’8 Democrat you got HSV 2 from ten years ago, or vice versa. Mother Nature gave her Sons reproductive longevity in case a couple generations of Feminists needed to get weeded out by evolution. And here we are. I’d forgotten all about paying “Liz” five dollars a month but I think I’ll stick around for more opportunities like this. By the way, my wife is 28 and recently said: “these women know they’ve hit the wall & they have nowhere else to go” as she put it, and that’s why I love her. So long.
So she's as toxic as you are. Got it. Glad you found each other and aren't out there wasting other people's time in the dating market. And if it took you 10 mins of your life to write out this pathetic comment, your intelligence is inversely related to your misogyny. As for my profile picture, I would hardly talk when you have to wear sunglasses that you think make you look all tough guy in order to show off what you're deluded into thinking is a sexy beard on the internet. What a joke!
My sexual market value was never higher than in my 40s, particularly with younger dudes who didn't want to become insecure incels or married at 22. And yes, I'm partnered with a Democrat, because honestly, who wants to be a trad wife Republibot? I've gone where I always wanted to be, with someone who has an emotional IQ that's equivalent to his intelligence, and is not insecurely fixated on subjugating his female partner. I'm not engaged in a war on intelligence like you MAGAts seem to be, firing nuclear weapons specialists and food safety inspectors. And I've never had HSV 2 (and neither has he.)
Who's going to get weeded out by evolution? Besides the dumbass antivaxxers like the guy who denies himself a heart transplant because he won't get vaccinated? And the ammosexuals so in love with their guns that they end up shooting themselves or let their toddlers do it do it for them? It's the embittered incels who can't even find someone to sleep with, much less get married and become a parent with, who spend their spare time gaming and watching porn.
Who wants to be tied to their abusive toxicity for 18 years or more, while the kids sullenly are forced to have a relationship with the dad who dodges child support and doesn't know anything about parenting them appropriately? Women are realizing they have options, and that's why over 27% of men between 18-30 are still virgins. That's the real reason you hate feminists. Because we know we have options, and will never stop fighting for them. Stop projecting your misery on us, when every study shows it's the single men who are the most miserable.
Round of applause!
PS - Let me preemptively reply to what's coming: I'm a happily married man.
In your dreams, lol.
Wow, you aren't bitter at all! You are totally logical, rational, objective, and wise. Definitely NOT swayed one iota by emotion, no sir.
I’m sorry but will Sydney Sweeney be okay? At the end of the day she’s JUST a girl. Just a woman. Just like us. And we hear ALL the hurtful words people have said about us constantly on repeat. Or at least I do. Cutting words. And celebrities have it even worse as everyone feels entitled to comment on their lives in full.
I’d take her body any day over what I have. She’s absolutely stunning. But I also take my body. The cellulite. The stretch marks, the mom belly and baby pouch. Because I lived in this one. I earned it. And I have a man who worships it and makes me feel like I am HIS Sydney Sweeney. That’s what we deserve. Not to be torn down for any slight perceived imperfection by another human with their own.