You inspire me everyday. I know this day today is not particularly a celebration anywhere in the world. I’m from Mexico City and for some years now, this day is a day for visibility of our everyday fight. By fight I mean doing all sorts of things for the government to take action for all those girls and women who have been attacked, silenced or even killed. I consider myself lucky (go figure) because I’ve “only” experienced “mild” sexual harrasment, inequality in the work place and men cat calling and wolf whistling walking down the street to get groceries, but the reality of this country (and the world) is VERY different for so many women. I’m currently reading and loving your book, and I totally agree that toxic masculinity hurts both men and women, you’re really opening my eyes to things I never considered or not as deeply as I should have.

I just wanted to thank you for the work you do and let you know that from where I stand, I’m with you and feel you with me.

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Thank you Liz, for doing what you do. You certainly make a difference in my life. ❤️

Keep up the good work! Love from the Netherlands.

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