I really appreciated this expanded view of our shared reality and inclusion of men's issues from a perspective of compassion. Patriarchy also gaslights men, selling them on the scam of "provide and protect" while making it less and less possible to do so in any meaningful way. Keeping them from establishing healthy relationships with other men (and women) means they'll be isolated and confused about why it seems that they and they alone cannot seem to keep up. That makes them very vulnerable to messaging that shifts blame to people who are also struggling. It's also strangely obvious with so many historical reference points that to not be consciously aware of this feels kind of like a societal trauma response.

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Perhaps it’s the, I’m not going to let a woman tell me what to do, voting perspective. Nevertheless, I’m with Keb Mo, put a woman in charge.

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Where to start. Who approved having Terry Bollea (thats Hulk Hogan's birth name) at the RNC? They found a guy who tells the level of lies which matches those of Trump. There's hours and hours of lies you can comb through. My favorites being that he supposedly turned down the Foreman grill, wrestled 400 days in a year and that at Wrestlemania II in 1986, he out drank John Belushi (Belushi died in 1982).

It always baffles me that the GOP's main solutions to problems is through addition by subtraction. For example, the mass shooting crisis. "Guns don't kill, it's people who kill". If that was the case, then why are you getting rid of mental health services?

With the pushing of abortion bans, which loses the few women vote that they had. They really shot themselves in the foot with that. And it's only getting worse, it would not be surprising if they push for the re-establishment of Jim Crow laws (spearheaded by Clarence Thomas of course, the Clayton Biggsby of the justice system).

One of the things that stood out to me in this piece, is the bit about how working men have more in common with working women than they do with rich men. It is so TRUE! The only similarities that are shared between the two types of men are genitals and the patriarchal belief that capitalism (even in its late stage) will work out for you to become rich. The latter part is where things go awry. As it's only a shared belief, not a shared outcome.

I do have to pushback slightly against the notion that the democrats problem is only selling itself to men, especially on issues that afflict men. While messaging has always been a weak point for the democrats, I cannot confidently say that they have a clue, let alone a plan for dealing with my concerns. There's several reasons for this. To start, in a system that is primarily give and take, helping men gives dems nothing. It's like cancer, it is more profitable to treat cancer than it is to cure it. In this case, it is more beneficial to promise a solution than it is to actually go through with it.

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