Jan 23Liked by Liz Plank

Wow, this feels like divine timing -- I guess the universe knew I needed this. I just got back home from what I'm referring to as a "breakup breakfast" with my husband, as we finally landed on the decision to get divorced after 15 years together and 12 years of marriage. Love your work, and love (and hate) when it hits so close to home.

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Jan 23Liked by Liz Plank

during the recruiting process i reframed rejection as a finite number of rejections/no/ghosting before i found the right one - just because i didn’t know in that present moment how many applications it would take for the right opportunity, didn’t mean the nos weren’t serving me!

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This was a great read, and so appropriate after a hard work day. Thank you for speaking directly to me today, it really helped reframe my mind. Xx

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So many posts lately are so timely! I was just thinking a few moments ago how little me 5 years ago would feel about what I'm doing now and just smiled :') Even though me a year ago would be devastated (as I'm working through it now), thinking about who I was 5 years ago would be so stoked and excited. Although it's different, I'm still proud of where I am and what I'll do :) We all got this.

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