
who would you want to see instead, right answers only!

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That’s a hard choice. Do they run Kamala in his place and choose a new VP or do they pick someone like Newsom who definitely isn’t perfect but could wipe the floor with Trump in a debate. Either way having the crypt keeper running is bad bad bad.

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Jun 28Liked by Liz Plank

I thought Biden would wipe the floor with Trump, but he was so out of it that it was frightening. He seemed nervous at first, but it seemed like he was totally intimidated by Trump (and Trump exuded self confidence, was obviously well prepared, and the lies he told were more coherent than anything Biden said). Biden's voice was very weak, he seemed ill and like he was unprepared.

I had thought Biden should run again, but if he does, Trump will win for sure. He gave us a glimpse of a doddering old man whose mind and body are showing his age. Trump has also been showing signs of dementia, but the press has been too quiet about it. We're in trouble unless we get another candidate to take Biden's place on the ballot.

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I'm adding to this by saying that I've changed my mind and think Biden should stay in the race. Read Seth Abramson's substack for today.

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Jun 28Liked by Liz Plank

Re: It's too late, I don't think you've established that it wasn't too late 4 months ago. If there were an event happening in Australia 14 hours from now it is too late for you to get there. If in 6 more hours you find out that the event is even more important than you thought it'll still be too late to get there.

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Oh golly our President clocked a dispiriting performance but can we refocus our lens on the pathological sociopathic lying felon he shared the stage with? The stream of lies Trump blathered unchecked for 90 minutes is just a taste of what the next level nightmare our country is headed for. I’d happily vote for a corpse over the alternative.

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i totally understand your perspective but do you really want to depend on a corpse for the most important election of our lifetime?

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But he’s not a corpse is he. Poor performance okay. But Trump has lost debates to far better orators and still won. How about turning our ire and tearing down the dangerous lies he’s propagating?

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Jun 28Liked by Liz Plank

Who would I Ike to see? Pete hands down. This the ONLY person who actually answers questions and brings facts. He’s more intelligent than the entire congress.

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pete would have crushed that debate 😭

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Jun 28Liked by Liz Plank

Totally agree - let egos go!

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Liz. You speak so much truth. Please educate Monica that simply abdicating your vote to Biden is NOT the best course of action. If dems can get their shit together and deal with the problem. I’m now equally disappointed in dems for defaulting their vote. Yes time is short, but that’s all the more reason to act now! We will have to shoulder the blame when a convicted felon is somehow elected.

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