It's not unexpected just tremendously disappointing, fact checking isn't biased just one side has been lying constantly, and hate speech isn't free speech, he's making all the meta platforms like twitter.

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what did you about zuckerberg’s announcement?

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Glad I'm not the only one that found his appearance, and his decision making, sort of appalling. I cannot think of a better word--the whole thing is just icky. Also unsurprising.

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major ick

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I had a hard time watching his announcement video 😬 when it showed up on my feed. Honestly I was very distracted by his appearance (which isn’t a good thing on my end, but that gold chain) so I appreciate your journalism helping fill me in! It’s disappointing because there are men in my life who I know are being turned into the worst versions of themselves under the guise of getting a community. But this isn’t a community that cares about their safety. I’m scared for these men as they go deeper and deeper into platforms that provide zero accountability, transparency or protection.

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These losers are seeking a seat at the table by demonstrating to trump how many people they’re willing to harm. Weak men, all of them.

I left FB after Jan 6, ‘21 because I didn’t like who I became on the platform - angrily arguing with former classmates over stupid stuff, like preserving our democracy.

So this is how it’s gonna be. I used to say an encouraging, “Buckle up”, but this time I’m not gonna peek out from under the covers until I have some confidence in where we’re going.

And Liz, best wishes to you. It sucks. I live in Sonoma County, so I know. Thinking of you.

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He recently said something to the effect of "there will be limits" which I take to mean that there will be a list of no-no words that will check text. Similar to how you are informed that a post you wrote a week ago has been taken down for violating unnamed, unspecified "standards". He's vying for the title of ginormous dickhead.

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he will have earned that title!

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MZ is a dweeb. I generally think the platforms should be community based without rules all the shit. BUT that would require the average (below average?) human to use critical thinking and understand the social media platforms are not outlets for journalistic integrity. They fail to understand that there is a dramatic difference between a studied and qualified journalist vs a talking head. For me, that is the true problem.

I now assume that I can say trump is a worthless waste of space and is absolutely going to fuck shit up in yet another worse way. I can’t be censored right? He’s too stupid to live and will bring zero good to the world. I’m just exercising my right to free speech. I can say whatever the fuck I damn well please on social media. But it ain’t fucking journalism, which is a requirement for telling factual news. In the end you cannot police ignorance nor legislate morality.

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Thank you so much for this!

Watch the vulnerable teen boys in your life, closely. Keep talking, listen to them with empathy. Explore, gently, verifiability in the information they absorb. Always be a safe person, without compromising true things. Also, hugs and kisses help their soul, like they're still 7. 🙏🏻😎😍☺️

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