"Real men protect women; they don’t make them more vulnerable to predators."
I also believe that women are equally capable of and should take care of themselves. In short, people should, equal opportunity, look out for their own welfare.
I, as a married man, try to ensure that, in the event anything happens to me, my wife has the keys to my kingdom. Going on 40 years in, that's perfectly ok with me. Newlyweds, you'll have to work that out. I'd like her to do the same for me. But, I don't expect her to or hold it against her if she doesn't.
I'm a firm believer in "You do you.". People have a right to be themselves without apology or permission, within the bounds of law, reasonably. What I do with that is on me and vice versa.
I don't want my wife thinking she HAS to rely on me. I tell her, time and again, there's almost no reason that anything I can do, she can't. Something, anything may happen to me, any day, any time.
I'm also a firm believer in empowerment. Bridge the gaps. Raising the bridge is a valid alternative to lowering the river. Think outside the box. Learn something new. Acknowledge (I did not say "accept" - that's on you) your shortcomings / limits / barriers. Find your comfort zone. Admit mistakes. It's ok to be wrong. Be gracious and forgiving of yourself and others. 2nd and 3rd chances. Or, why stop there?
Thanks for making sense out of the cognitive dissonance of watching insecure and unsafe people (musk, zuck, etc) parading their insecurity and calling it masculinity. I see zero masculinity from them. None. I really appreciate you calling out what we're seeing and how very short it falls from earned masculinity.
I had some blood tests recently and one result showed an unusually high amount of testosterone for a post- menopausal woman. So high, the doctor wondered why I hadn’t lost hair, grown a beard, and spoke in a baritone. New tests were run and all come back perfectly normal. But I bet, even with my perfectly low, post-menopausal level of testosterone, I still have more than Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos combined. I bet Zuck’s two biracial daughters do as well.
Liz! I NEED your voice and face and energy back in my life!!! dying for a solo pod of some kind even if it’s super casual or just reading the substack and discussing!! <3 love you Chips
"Real men protect women; they don’t make them more vulnerable to predators."
I've never been a fan of the whole "Real men" thing. It's just a fancy way of saying not all men and sweeps the action of those men under the rug.
Anyways, it's funny how hard they try to be these Randy Savage level macho, masculine guys (yet forget there's this side to masculinity https://youtu.be/wz-VJl7UkB8?si=SAoJXmQ_xYm564_v). It is so easy to look past that facade as it easy to tell that they don't even believe in it. It just makes them a lot of money because the line between performance masculinity and masculinity proper has been crossed beyond repair. It's like that scene in Ghostbusters, don't cross the streams. And it's too late.
And of course they don't rewrite the algorithms themselves, they pay their hirelings to do it for them. Which doesn't speak well of the people they hire.
"You can try to erase us, but you can’t stop us. Every attempt to control us only proves how much power we hold." Goddamn Liz. YES. I'm so tired of these pathetic men
I absolutely agree:
"Real men protect women; they don’t make them more vulnerable to predators."
I also believe that women are equally capable of and should take care of themselves. In short, people should, equal opportunity, look out for their own welfare.
I, as a married man, try to ensure that, in the event anything happens to me, my wife has the keys to my kingdom. Going on 40 years in, that's perfectly ok with me. Newlyweds, you'll have to work that out. I'd like her to do the same for me. But, I don't expect her to or hold it against her if she doesn't.
I'm a firm believer in "You do you.". People have a right to be themselves without apology or permission, within the bounds of law, reasonably. What I do with that is on me and vice versa.
I don't want my wife thinking she HAS to rely on me. I tell her, time and again, there's almost no reason that anything I can do, she can't. Something, anything may happen to me, any day, any time.
I'm also a firm believer in empowerment. Bridge the gaps. Raising the bridge is a valid alternative to lowering the river. Think outside the box. Learn something new. Acknowledge (I did not say "accept" - that's on you) your shortcomings / limits / barriers. Find your comfort zone. Admit mistakes. It's ok to be wrong. Be gracious and forgiving of yourself and others. 2nd and 3rd chances. Or, why stop there?
i love your definition of masculinity and partnership ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Amen! You are a real mensch indeed.
They created the world they feared instead of evolving into a brighter future
they can’t compete so they rigged the game
In a world where billionaires have everything… except self-esteem.
Thanks for making sense out of the cognitive dissonance of watching insecure and unsafe people (musk, zuck, etc) parading their insecurity and calling it masculinity. I see zero masculinity from them. None. I really appreciate you calling out what we're seeing and how very short it falls from earned masculinity.
I had some blood tests recently and one result showed an unusually high amount of testosterone for a post- menopausal woman. So high, the doctor wondered why I hadn’t lost hair, grown a beard, and spoke in a baritone. New tests were run and all come back perfectly normal. But I bet, even with my perfectly low, post-menopausal level of testosterone, I still have more than Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos combined. I bet Zuck’s two biracial daughters do as well.
They are pathetic; they are proof that money can't buy self-esteem.
or dignity.
Ha, yes.
Liz! I NEED your voice and face and energy back in my life!!! dying for a solo pod of some kind even if it’s super casual or just reading the substack and discussing!! <3 love you Chips
working on it my precious!! ❤️❤️❤️ miss you more!!
eeek yay i just screamed!! Thank you!!! Words cannot express how much I adore you and your content!!
I wish I had a better word for it, but I just find this all so...sad. On so many levels. Or maybe it's just me that's sad that this is where we are.
On Musk "rigging the game so you don’t have to compete," how apt a metaphor: https://www.msn.com/en-us/gaming/gaming-platforms/youtube-s-top-cheater-hunter-decodes-elon-musk-s-gaming-farce/ar-AA1y3FL3
he's such a loser!!!
So true. The Biggest Loser.
"Real men protect women; they don’t make them more vulnerable to predators."
I've never been a fan of the whole "Real men" thing. It's just a fancy way of saying not all men and sweeps the action of those men under the rug.
Anyways, it's funny how hard they try to be these Randy Savage level macho, masculine guys (yet forget there's this side to masculinity https://youtu.be/wz-VJl7UkB8?si=SAoJXmQ_xYm564_v). It is so easy to look past that facade as it easy to tell that they don't even believe in it. It just makes them a lot of money because the line between performance masculinity and masculinity proper has been crossed beyond repair. It's like that scene in Ghostbusters, don't cross the streams. And it's too late.
Matt Bernstein's A Bit Fruity Pod just released a great episode. Let me have a good laugh at Zucks expense
And of course they don't rewrite the algorithms themselves, they pay their hirelings to do it for them. Which doesn't speak well of the people they hire.
Bravo, Liz. This blog is so spot on. We're not going anywhere, and we're not going quietly.
Pure 🔥 🔥🔥. Loser DEI! 😂
let’s make it a thing
"You can try to erase us, but you can’t stop us. Every attempt to control us only proves how much power we hold." Goddamn Liz. YES. I'm so tired of these pathetic men