
this is not a drill

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Jul 2Liked by Liz Plank

Absolutely the worst and most terrifying conclusion I've ever heard from SCOTUS!! It has no constitutional basis; they made it up out of whole cloth! It concentrates power under them and the President. Personally I think they have deliberately been stacking the courts with mentally MAGA judges starting before MAGA was a thing. This coup has been in the works for decades. How else could we possibly have 6 members of SCOTUS this radical!? Think about it for a moment.

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and if trump gets elected it’s about to get so much worse!

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Yes ma'am

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Jul 2Liked by Liz Plank

For some crazy reason I still have hope that the American people will come out in droves to vote against Trump in November. I hope I’m right.

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Jul 2Liked by Liz Plank

Me 2!

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Jul 2Liked by Liz Plank

If ever there was a reason to vote for Biden no matter what...

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Ok I hate the guy as much as the next liberal but this seems like a stretch. I don’t think anyone would reasonably argue that Raping someone is part of official presidential acts. Rape is never going to be seen as an “official presidential duty.” That’s preposterous! I’m pretty sure they meant more like starting a war or having someone killed for presumably terrorist acts that ostensibly put the country in danger (you know, stuff presidents get away with all the time). This might make it easier for him to get way with war crimes, which is terrifying, but rape? Come on now. Let’s not spread false narratives.

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trump getting getting away with sexual abuse has already been a cornerstone of his political career, but if want to believe that it would never happen again, that’s your choice and i respect it!

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Well he recently lost a defamation case against the woman he assaulted so that’s good. All I’m saying is let’s be sensible…the ruling said he’s immune from “official acts as president” not unofficial ones, and anything in the SA category would strike me as highly unofficial…but with this Supreme Court, who knows? The issue is how lower courts will distinguish between official vs unofficial acts.

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Jul 2Liked by Liz Plank

No such thing as an 'unofficial act' when you're actively in office as President.

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Jul 2Liked by Liz Plank

Ruling said immunity for official acts and a "presumption of immunity" for any crime the President commits.

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Jesus fucking Christ, he can assassinate literally anybody, and you're worried about him raping women? This 78 year old, doddering old bastard who can't even remember that he ran against Hillary Clinton and not Barack Obama?

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Jul 2Liked by Liz Plank

you don't need an erection to sexually assault and rape someone.

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Jeez, is that what I said? You completely missed my point.

Trump might sexually assault someone in the future, but he's more likely to have his political opponents murdered. Get it now?

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worried about it all.

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